"Taking it one day at a time because there is nothing better to do than living in the present."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Market Indices Overview

Today at 2pm the market indices are slightly in the red except for the Dow which is hovering with about +20. I put in the three major indices: SPX, NDX, DJX as shown above to illustrate what I think is manipulation in the markets.

At 10am the Consumer Confidence Report came out at 50.4 which was below consensus. However with in a minute of the report the market jump on all three indices by more than 0.5%. Although I will add that also at 10am the State Street Investor Confidence Report (SSIC) came out, and that came in at 96. So maybe investors were buying because of the SSIC number. I do not buy that story though. As the day is progressing the market is slowly lower since the 10am sharp price jump.

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