"Taking it one day at a time because there is nothing better to do than living in the present."

Friday, August 20, 2010

SPX levels

So market opened down and for the entire day the market stayed in the red except the Nasdaq got barely in the green. Interesting the low for the SPX today came in at 1063. It clearly is not a solid support so I am positioning to short the index. The SPX ended at slightly above 1071, and I hope Monday will go up.
As always looking at at a fix range for the SPX between 1060 and 1100. Presently it is at the lower range so a bounce maybe imminent. If 1089 can not be breach, where the 50ma is, then a short is in order. Both the 50ma and the 200ma is flatting, and have become resistance.

I want to add a twist onto my analysis with past prices as some traders say there is history with prices. I wanted to note that the first day of trading in August the market was up pretty significantly. From the great folks at Bespoke Investments a chart record of performance in the SPX after a rally on the first day of August trading and for the rest of the month of August is shown below.


Only in 67 and 85 did the SPX end the month in the red. Presently the SPX is around -2.7% from its high of August 2. We have 7 trade sessions left in the month. Recent marco economic data has been mostly negative, however technical data is on the sides of the bulls. I will wait until Monday to see how the market plays out.

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